Services & Information

Policies and Guidelines

Policies by Category


  • Benefit Chart for Faculty, Academic Professionals, and Staff
    A user-friendly chart describing the benefits available to the different employment categories (Faculty, Academic Professional, Staff). Benefit information is organized by category and includes information about retirement, insurance, worker’s compensation, tuition waivers, leaves, etc.
  • Benefits for Retired Faculty and Staff
    A list of the benefits that retired employees will continue to receive after retirement. Includes information about their extended access to certain services at a discounted rate (e.g., access to athletic events, cultural activities, etc.)
  • Group Insurance Plan
    Information about the group health, dental, and life insurance plans available to faculty and staff. Includes eligibility and documentation requirements, a description of the optional plans available to employees, insurance options for those on leave, and how to terminate coverage.
  • Retired Academic Staff Privileges (Article IX-Sec 9 of Board of Trustees Statutes)
    After a series of approvals, retired academic staff may be eligible to receive privileges such as the ability to offer conferences with graduate students or participate in meetings of their college or school faculties.

Campus Manuals

Employee Development & Engagement

Employee Referral Incentive Program 
A program to offer a referral incentive of $600 for all eligible staff positions designated “hard-to fill” and high demand.

Faculty Review (Communication #21 from Provost Communications)
Policy on how every tenured or tenure-track faculty member must be reviewed annually by his or her department through a process consistent with campus guidelines. The document provides guidelines for establishing faculty reviews, required review elements, exemptions from annual review, grievance procedures, and provides institutional resources.

Performance Reviews
Includes information related to performance reviews for academic employees.

Talent Attraction Policies 
The University offers an Employee Referral Program and New Hire Sign-on Incentives to enhance our recruitment efforts.



  • Campus Administrative Manual
    Policy manual for UIUC. The Campus Administrative Manual (CAM) includes policies, procedures, forms, and guidelines for university employees.
  • Chemical Waste Management Guide
    Information regarding Chemical Hygiene Plans, the Hazard Communication Program, and the appropriate disposal of chemicals on campus.
  • Dates/Deadlines (Provost Communications)
    (May also be found under Provost’s Dates/Deadlines)
    Includes a list of the Provost’s dates and deadlines for nonreappointment notification, promotion and tenure, and leaves of absence
  • Discrimination and Harassment
    University complaint and grievance procedures provide employees and students with the means for the resolution of complaints that allege a violation of this statement. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the Office for Access and Equity.
  • Human Subjects in Research
    The Institutional Review Board’s policy page for the protection of human subjects in research. Includes a list of the training requirements for the researcher, a handbook on ethical principles, informed consent forms, and information about using care when working with special subjects (children, prisoners, pregnant women, etc.).
  • Information Technology Policy
    Information containing the appropriate use of computers and network systems; copyright compliance statements; a list of authorized Technology Services users; and software piracy, internet publishing, and information security policies.
  • Integrity in Research and Publication
    Academic integrity is the key to a successful university in all its aspects of learning, teaching, research, and service. Faculty, staff, and students of the University of Illinois ensure integrity and high quality in their research and publications by strict adherence to professional standards.
  • Leaves of Absence (Faculty) (IX: Section 7 of Board of Trustees Statutes)
    Policy in which certain faculty members (professor, associate professor, assistant professor) who have served the university for specific periods on a full-time appointment may be eligible to apply for and granted a sabbatical leave of absence with pay for the purpose of study, research, or other pursuit.

Labor and Employee Relations

  • Background Check University Policy and Campus Resources
  • Civil Service Staff Policies and Rules
  • Conflicts of Commitment and Interest
    Provides definitions and examples of conflicts of commitment and interest, an explanation of governing principles, and the steps staff members are required to take when reporting such activities.
  • Dismissal of Academic Staff with Multi-Year Appointments (Article IX: Section 12 of Board of Trustees Statutes)
    Policy in which a staff member may be dismissed for cause prior to the conclusion of their multi-year appointment. Document includes procedures for notifying the staff member, a list of the adequate causes for dismissal, and information about the right of the individual to request a hearing before the campus provost or the provost’s designee.
  • Employment of Relatives
    Policy on how employment of relatives is permissible. Describes the responsibility of each unit/department/college to review situations involving the employment of relatives, how to resolve potential conflicts, and the review and approval process for employing relatives.
  • Ethics Compliance
    Ethics Training is mandatory for all University of Illinois employees, as defined in the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. Labor & Employee Relations Questions related to Ethics Compliance should be directed to:
    Email or call 217-333-3105
  • Non-reappointment for Academic Professionals and Staff (Communication #11 Provost Communications)
    Policy on notices of nonreappointment for Academic Professionals, non-visiting AP staff, and other non-faculty Academic Staff members. Policy information includes the termination of full-time, non visiting AP Staff, supervisor guidelines for terminating APs, and the length of notice requirement for non-reappointment.
  • Non-reappointment for Nontenured Faculty Members (Communication #10 of Provost Communications)
    Provides the general rules for issuing non-reappointment notices to faculty members who have different provisions based on the faculty member’s status and years of service. Information includes a calendar of events of notification deadlines, when departments should provide the written notice to the faculty member, and when units must send a list of the faculty members not being reappointed to the Board of Trustees.
  • Separation Agreement
    Guideline information for such agreements includes separation dates, salary increases, payment procedures, post-retirement employment, and a list of the necessary approvals needed.
  • Severe Sanctions Other than Dismissal for Cause (for Faculty) (Article IX: Section 6 of Board of Trustees Statutes)
    A list of the campus procedures to determine whether severe sanctions other than dismissal for cause may be imposed.
  • Terms of Employment for Academic Staff (Article IV: Sec 1 of Board of Trustees General Rules)
    Outlines the different terms of employment for academic yearly, 12 month, and summer session appointments. Information includes how compensation is determined, a description of the different vacation periods, and bereavement leave for each employment group.
  • Work-Related Travel
    (May also be found under Travel (Employee Business))


  • Annual Vacation and Sick Leave Reporting
  • Bereavement Leave
    Upon request, an academic staff member may be granted leave of up to three work days due to the death of a member of his or her immediate family and one work day due to the death of a relative outside the immediate family without loss of salary. Under special circumstances, leave beyond these amounts may be approved.
  • Educational Leave (Communication #20 of Provost Communications)
    Provides the university’s definition of an educational and personal leave. Includes criteria information for what constitutes such a leave and a list of which employees are eligible/ineligible for this benefit.
  • FMLA Policy and Application
    Describes university employees’ rights and responsibilities under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Information includes employee eligibility, application procedures, a list of the required medical documents, COBRA coverage, and the option of using paid/unpaid leave.
  • Jury Duty Leave
  • Leaves of Absence (Faculty) (IX: Section 7 of Board of Trustees Statutes)
    Policy in which certain faculty members (professor, associate professor, assistant professor) who have served the university for specific periods on a full-time appointment may be eligible to apply for and granted a sabbatical leave of absence with pay for the purpose of study, research, or other pursuit.
  • Parental Leave
  • Sabbatical Leave (Communication #19 of Provost Communications)
    Includes an overview of what constitutes a sabbatical leave, application deadlines, reimbursement information, and the application process. Also provides revisions to the policy.


Retirement & Separation

Leave Policy

Term Definitions

The initial release date of the policy.

The date when substantive content changes are approved through a review and signature process.

The date when style, format, or grammar changes and/or corrections of errors are made.

The date when the policy was last updated to confirm that the content was reviewed and found to be current.

Time reporting

Retired Policies

  • Retired policies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Illinois Human Resources refer to policies that have been officially discontinued or replaced.
  • These policies are no longer in active use and have been superseded by newer versions or updated guidelines.
  • Retiring policies ensures that the most current and relevant information is available to staff employees, aligning with the university’s commitment to effective and up-to-date human resources practices.